Explore each of our episodes and discover the change stories of our guests.

A new podcast is released very week, so make sure you subscribe and don’t miss an episode about change - they could change your life!


season one / Episode #21

Catherine Gryba

Quotes about change: “Ask yourself, how do I want to spend my days?”

Catherine Gryba grew up on a farm in southwest Saskatchewan. She attended University where she studied physical education with a major in business administration.  Her first job was with the City of Saskatoon as a lifeguard and that was only the beginning of a long and successful career in municipal administration. 

Catherine stayed with the City for 34 years, taking on different jobs with more and more responsibility and ultimately, a role in the senior leadership suite. She explains how she used mentors, both inside and outside of City hall, and volunteer experience in the community to grow and hone her leadership skills. But, abruptly, one day, when her job ended and she decided to leave the City, she began the process of rebuilding with a focus on entrepreneurialism and a change recovery process that led her to clarity on what she wanted to do next.

season one / Episode #20

Jeffery Straker

Quotes about change: "Where are you headed and where would you like to be headed?"

Jeffery is classically trained in piano, educated in science and worked as a marketing rep in Toronto.  Today, he is a singer-songwriter-pianist. Before COVID, he performed over 100 shows across Canada, Europe and Latin America.  Since COVID, he  has been performing small concerts in back yards and eating a lot of pie!

Jeffery describes how the prairie skies are like prairie people – never done working.  Change for Jeffery started when  he visited his Great Aunt Mary, who had Alzheimer’s, in the nursing home.   His story is inspiring and full of insights about why life satisfaction is so important.

season one / Episode #19

Angie Flynn-McIver

Quotes about change: “I learned that I really need to listen to what my body is telling me.” 

Before Angie moved into leadership coaching, she spent a lifetime in theatre: acting, directing and producing. 

But her childhood dream brought with it some challenges.  She loved the theatre, but not everything about running a business.  After a very close call with her small son, Angie decided she needed to make some changes. 

season one / Episode #18

Tiffany Paulsen

Quotes about change: "Don't equate change with scorch the earth ... Focus on changing the things you don't like."

Tiffany Paulsen is a family trial lawyer.  For the last 7 years, she has been named one of the Best Lawyers in Canada.   But before she became partner, and before she had her family, at age 27, she was elected to city council.  She was the first person in Canada to bring their newborn baby to a city council meeting, paving the way for many women.

Tiffany has fought for change and continues to make life transitions as she lives her life in a non-linear way. She gives insights and inspiration on how you can have what’s important to you.  

season one / Episode #17

David Tollefson

Quotes about change:  "The only thing we have real control over is what we choose to think, say, or do."

David Tollefson is a Vice President and Executive Coach with Feldman Daxon Partner, a national provider of career transition, executive search, and coaching/leadership services. 

David talks about how he has boiled life down to three key areas: faith, love, and service. And he categorizes how he spends his time into two buckets: things that bring him energy and things that don’t. David brings new meaning to being mindful about how you approach change in life, work and family. 

season one / Episode #16

Barb McGrath

An inspirational podcast about career change. Barb McGrath grew up in a traditional home and planned a predictable career and a predictable life.  She was on that path – happily married with a great family, working at a corporate job in a downtown corporate office wearing  corporate suits. 

But Barb started to feel like a square peg in a round hole in her job.  She thought about what she would do if she won the lottery and the vision became clear while on a family road trip. 

Barb made the transition from safe corporate job to risky and fulfilling entrepreneurship.  She shares her insights on knowing her limits on how far she could go as an entrepreneur before she needed to start sending out resumes.  

season one / Episode #15

James Frost

James Frost was 12 years old when he got his first job working with computers, and it was the start of a long and successful career in the digital industry. He sold Apple products and was the system engineer for Apple in Saskatchewan. 

James was drawn to the creativity and connectivity that technology offered.  But things changed and the service part of the industry became toxic.  People were having melt downs when their phone wasn’t working – “How can I live without my phone?”

James tells us how he ended his business, reinvented his career to fit his values, and now offers products to help us digitally detox and be more mindful on how we spend our time. "Connect to the soundtrack of your life."

season one / EPISODE #14

Eric Cline

Always open to change and opportunity, Eric Cline choose a non-linear and uncertain path, which he continues to pursue.  He was never an artist.  He was a lawyer and a politician.  Today as an artist, Eric has the freedom to let go and let someone else be the boss.  “Never consider yourself too old to start something new.”

Eric studied law at the University of Saskatchewan and was a partner with the firm Mitchell-Taylor-Ching from 1984-1990. He sold his partnership and ran for the New Democratic Party in the 1991 Saskatchewan election.  A member of the legislature for 16 years, he served 12 years in senior cabinet roles. In 2008, he authored a memoir entitled Making a Difference - Reflections From Political Life, where he describes leaving politics because he had accomplished what he had to offer and knew it was time to seek new challenges. 

Today, Eric is an accidental artist doing fused glass work. He continues to write, with pieces in the National Post, Globe and Mail and online magazine Quillette, and is working on a new book. He continues to practice law on the side.

season one / EPISODE #13

Anne Neufeld

 Anne’s story is about using energy to embrace opportunities and adventure, know when it’s time for change, and then look forward – no regrets.  Anne Neufeld was born in Cleveland, Ohio.  Following university, she worked at a children’s home in Mexico then relocated to a small Mennonite community in Saskatchewan where she launched her health care career, returned to Chile to aid with earthquake re-construction, then to Toronto and back to Saskatoon for an executive career. She co-founded Sunrise Foods International from her kitchen table, a successful company that trades certified organic grain and specialty crops. Recently, she co-founded Loot Fox Games Inc, a computer and mobile game company. As a survivor of breast cancer, the job title has never been important to Anne; it’s more about finding meaningful and enjoyable work. (Photo credit: Kirk Fong)

season one / Episode #12

John Enns-Wind

When you run from something, you feel that you don’t measure up. John wanted something better and he didn’t know what it was; first, he had to get away from his past.  Following high school, John quit the college program his parents wanted him to take, hitch-hiked through Europe, and lived on a kibbutz in Israel.  

When he returned to Canada, he continued to pursue education and tried a variety of different jobs.  He finally found his groove and a place where he felt he did measure up, in municipal politics and then administration. John tells us how wanting something better led him to redefine what a successful and meaningful life meant for him. 

season one / Episode #11

Jennifer McCowan

Finding silver linings when dealing with devastating change and then, hair loss.10 years ago, Jennifer’s father was killed in a car accident, 5 weeks after the birth of her son.  In the following 3 years, Jennifer had 7 family members pass away, a friend committed suicide, and they found 2 suspicious lumps on her breast and 2 issues with her heart.  

Due to the incredible stress, Jennifer started to lose her hair.  Her dermatologist told her she would be bald by the age of 60 and didn’t know how to help her.  Now she is one of 10 Trichologists (a hair and scalp specialist) in Canada and the owner of Hope Hair Recovery. Her story is one of resiliency and looking for the silver linings in every situation.   

season one / Episode #10

Kathy Arney

Kathy Arney originally received her training as a Certified Professional Accountant. Her career took several directions which helped her discover her passion for nurturing generosity and philanthropy, and for helping people and organizations reach their full potential. 

Kathy moved across Canada, from east to west and back, a couple of times for work, lost her job and promotion opportunities, and embraced change events that opened new doors that led to her passion. Today, Kathy Arney is the Founder and President of KEA Canada, established in Banff, Alberta in 2013. KEA provides support to charities and non-profit organizations in areas that include capacity-building, resource development, coaching, interim leadership and campaign planning and management.

season one / Episode #9

Barbara Bowes

Barbara Bowes is a maverick and a trailblazer - an accomplished speaker, trainer, coach, writer, professional HR strategist/consultant, and the President of Legacy Bowes Group, Winnipeg’s premier HR Solutions provider.  At 73 years old, Barbara says she is getting ready to leave the legacy of her business behind, and move on to new ventures,  including helping other women write books. Barb’s special mantras of never taking no for an answer and taking advantage of opportunities have guided her through the many changes in her career and personal life, and they have served her well.

season one / Episode #8

Joel Lindsey

In addition to his work as a music publisher, Joel is celebrating his 30th year as a professional songwriter.  In that time, he has had over 2000 songs recorded, resulting in over 30 #1 songs, 18 Dove Awards, 4 platinum records, 7 gold Records and 11 platinum videos. When digital music took over in the late 1990’s, many in the music industry wondered how they would survive the change.  Joel talks about the similarities between surviving the Digital Crisis and surviving a world pandemic.  

season one / Episode #7

Debra Jonasson-Young

Prior to several executive positions, Debra worked for 27 years for the retail giant Eaton’s Department Store. The iconic store began its’ unfortunate downward spiral and Debra tells us how difficult it was to lead through change when you aren’t feeling 100% in control. The insights Debra shares are invaluable, and good advice for anyone experiencing change, whether it’s your choice, or not. 

season one / Episode #6

Penney Murphy

Penney had a successful career as the co-host of the Brent and Penney Show on Rawlco Radio. Life was good but when she turned 35, she felt she needed a change. The whisper in her head go so loud that she had to listen to it. After two degrees and then a Masters in Social Work, her vision of what she wanted to do finally became clear.

season one / Episode #5

Katrina German

Katrina is a leader in Canada in the tech industry. She was a partner in One Story, one of the top 15 start ups in Canada. Her company was on the rise.  Her clients were all over the world and she had business mentors in Toronto and Ottawa.  And then it changed. Katrina says she wouldn’t be where she is today without failure. She has built another successful business and talks to us about how she used her networks and her own personal resilience to get back on her feet. 

season one / Episode #4

Veronique Loewen

Born in the suburbs of Paris, at the age of 10, Veronique moved with her parents to their home in the French island of Martinique.  It seems Veronique’s life pattern was set because ever since then, she made a life change every 10 years. She believes change is going to happen to each of us, and we need to set ourselves up for change, embrace it, and make it happen. And it all started with a decision to cut her hair …

season one / Episode #3

Kaveri Braid

By anyone’s standard, Kaveri has achieved success in her professional career – and more than once. Kaveri tells us how self-talk can sabotage change at every turn. Knowing yourself – your strengths and weaknesses- makes it easier to bet on yourself.  And Kaveri has always bet on herself. 

season one / Episode #2

Susan Smith Brazill

Change wasn’t a decision for Susan, she just knew she had to do something different. Susan describes how chaos created change and led her to doing what she loves to do.  She had lost her boldness and went on a quest to find bold again. Susan’s change journey was guided by her Mom’s advice, “When one door closes, go and explore other gifts.”

season one / Episode #1

Karen Moffatt

Trained as a classical viola player Karen’s career moved from being a contract musician to a personal trainer and finally to an entrepreneur with a successful online kettle bell program. Karen’s story shows how resolve builds grit and the “change muscle”.